New Voxtrot Album Cover: Love It Or Hate It?

MP3: Voxtrot - The Start Of Something (via Texas Gigs)
Labels: love it or hate it, voxtrot
The World Of B-Sides & Rarities, #24

Featured on Bright Eyes' Motion Sickness album - a collection of live staples and rarities - the cover of Feist's 'Mushaboom' was played consistently while Conor and the guys toured behind 2005's critically acclaimed LP, I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning.
Interesting note about the tune - Mushaboom is an actual village located about 100 kilometers east of Halifax (in Nova Scotia). It's believed that Feist wrote the track as a tribute to the rural area. (Perhaps she had some fond childhood memories of running around in the grass?)
Bright Eyes' take on the song is an interesting one - it's always enticing to hear a man cover a woman's song and this is no exception. Take a listen to both versions below and tell us which you prefer.
MP3s: Bright Eyes - Mushaboom + Feist - Mushaboom
Labels: bright eyes, covers, the world of b-sides and rarities
Moz Begins US Tour, Mingles With Iggy Pop

MP3: Morrissey - Our Frank
Editors Premiere New Single Tonight On Zane Lowe

Expect to see radio rips of the tune all over the web tomorrow morning.
For more info on the new album, including title, tracklist and release date, check here.
MP3: Editors - Camera
Sluts Get Sirius Tonight

Tune in! What's that we hear? You don't have Sirius?
Not to worry - there's a free trial download on this page which will allow you to listen to tonight's broadcast.
Expect to hear a great combination of Music Slut faves as well as Product Shop faves. In other words, Tom Waits and Patrick Wolf - together at last.
MP3: The View - Face For The Radio
Labels: dj, product shop nyc, sirius radio
Sigur Ros Holds Secret Acoustic Show, Serves Waffles

"yesterday, sigur rós held a secret acoustic show in gamla borg coffee shop, located in in the 100-person town of borg. in what must be the band’s most personal concert to date, friends and family were invited to come and listen to some unplugged songs while pancakes and waffles were served.
the band was accompanied by amiina and played seven acoustic songs in total, one of which was brand new. the band will be heading to a summerhouse next month to record some of the new versions played yesterday, as well as some brand new acoustic songs."
Setlist: Von (new version), Samskeyti, Vaka, Agætis Byrjun, new song, Heysátan, Starálfur
More on the extraodinarily intimate gig can be found here at IcelandReview.com.
MP3: Sigur Ros - Von
Labels: sigur ros
Manic MP3 Monday, Week 56
The Earlies - The Devil's Country
Radio America - Aim High In Steering
Die Romantik - Tik Tok
Peel - In The City
Pulp - Razzmatazz (via Obscure Sound)
Interpol - Untitled (Datassette mix)
Jarvis Cocker - Don't Let Him Waste Your Time
Robert Gomez - Closer Still
Jens Lekman - Black Cab
Labels: manic mp3 monday
The World Of B-Sides & Rarities, #23

I'm sure the vast majority of you are familiar with this one... well, at least the original.
Tonight, I present an acoustic version the Smiths classic, 'There Is A Light That Never Goes Out', by Brooklyn trio, Nada Surf.
One of my favorite covers of the song, to date.
Take a listen to the tune below and tell us if you agree.
MP3: Nada Surf - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
To Answer Your Inquiries... #16

The Music Slut: Hmm, you be the judge. Here's a link to the cover art for Spleen United's LP, Godspeed Into The Mainstream. Look similar to this?
Inquiry: radiohead forum heinrich maneuver
The Music Slut: Hmm, 'Heimrich Maneuver' is a tune on Interpol's upcoming album, Our Love To Admire (info here). Discussion of the tune, via Radiohead's fan site, At Ease Web, can be found here.
Inquiry: ryan adams can't play live anymore because he's sober
TMS: We happen to disagree. Here's our review of Ryan's Town Hall gig back in December. Ryan's been sober now for roughly a year.
Inquiry: killers playlist from msg show
TMS: Hop over to KillersMusic.com, the folks on the forum should be able to help ya out.
Inquiry: klaxons london bridge
TMS: Klaxons covered Fergie and we missed it?!
MP3s: Ryan Adams - Lovesick Blues (live) + Klaxons - Atlantis To Interzone (Crystal Castles remix)
Labels: to answer your inquiries
Shirley Manson & Gwen Stefani Party Like It's 2002
Labels: collaboration, garbage, gwen stefani, no doubt, shirley manson
Casting Begins For Video Starring Teenage Bjork Lookalikes

Young Girls under the age of 14 needed! - Need total of 4 girls (must be under the age of 14 or look very young). - Can be of any nationality. - Need at least one singer. - Hoping to find someone that looks like Bjork.
For more info, please visit: ForgottenSundays.com/casting
Please IMMEDIATELY send any/all headshots, resumes, reels to our NJ office: Forgotten Sundays - Attn: Casting 14 Glen Terrace Montville NJ 07045
We look forward to meeting you!*
Good luck to all our prepubescent slutloyals!
MP3: Bjork - Hyperballad (DJ Ayres remix) (via DJ Ayres)
Nellie McKay @ Carnegie Hall: Baby, Watch Your Back

Opening with the previously unheard and ever-so-sarcastic 'Feminists Don't Have A Sense Of Humor', Nellie was on a roll all evening long. Including comical rants about Dick Cheney, carnivores, Sheryl Crow, China... oh, and the demolition of ancient sacred buildings around NYC, Nellie's activist side shone brightly for the entirety of the show. Other new tracks included 'Over-sure (Maxine Shrek)', 'Zombie' (complete with an adorable mummy/corpse-influenced dance routine), 'Santa Maria', 'Say It Again If You Will' and the German-sung 'Mein Auto Zooms' - one of a handful of songs performed in a language other than English (also showcased: Indian, Mandarin, French and Spanish!).
As far as the older tunes, from Get Away From Me, we heard: 'Waiter', 'Toto Dies', 'Really', 'Baby Watch Your Back', 'Suitcase Song', 'The Dog Song' (encore via undying fan requests), and 'Work Song'. From Pretty Little Head, Nellie selected 'Pink Chandelier', 'GES', 'Yodel', 'Lali Est Parisseux', 'Old Enough', 'Gladd' and 'Swept Away'.
For 'Work Song', Nellie divided the 600-capacity crowd into three sections to split the intertwined ending vocal harmonies of the tune. The left side of the room sang in Mandarin, the right part of the auditorium got the 'ooh ooh ooh's while the center fraction hummed a steady stream of 'doom doom doom's. Hilarity and cacophony ensued. Genius.
Earlier in the show, Nellie joked about her mom's criticisms of her live shows and the mixed messages she sometimes sends regarding fan participation. She confirmed that she does indeed love singalongs, even proclaiming that someone should duet with her, on the spot, if they snuck a portable mic through security. I'm holding you to that one next time, Nellie!
I went into Friday's Carnegie show convinced that Nellie could do no wrong and left with further solidification of my original sentiments.
*photo via Nellie's fan site, and NOT from the Carnegie gig but rather Nellie's Atlanta show from late last year*
MP3: Nellie McKay - Mein Auto Zooms (via NellieMcKay.org)
Labels: carnegie hall, concert review, nellie mckay, zankel hall
8 Questions With: Patrick Wolf

1. Many online forums and message board topics have been dedicated to your choice of hair color/style/cut. For all curious, can you set the record straight on which 'do is your favorite, if you have one, and why?
I guess it would have to be the one I want next, that’s the point, to keep changing with my spirit and desire, with each song and season. I am going Elizabethan next. Being a werewolf, hair is a very metaphorical and emotional issue, when I am hairy, I am closest to nature and my creative, when I am hairless I am just Patrick again, a boy who likes to sing, make love, ride on waterslides and roller coasters.
2. The three contributors on this site are all around the same age as you so we remember quite vividly when electroclash made its first splash in our late teens (as well as its second, third and fourth resurgence). I was wondering if any of that movement affected your earlier work and if it still does today.
It was quite interesting in London but not something I really felt a part of. I had been involved and created within a group of many amazing and progressive electronic musicians up until the point electroclash arrived in my town and the beats were a little bit too 80’s or basic for me. Then the visual aspect I felt wasn’t emotional enough, I would like to challenge the perception that electronic music should be made [by] machines or music for people with robotic hearts.
3. Some of our favorite artists on The Music Slut include Radiohead, Belle & Sebastian, Mew, Morrissey, Sons & Daughters, Queen, and most recently, Klaxons. If you were to collaborate with any of the aforementioned artists, whom would you choose and what cover would the two of you tackle?
I think it would be the Klaxons, I listened to their album on the way over from England to New York on the airplane sound system… and really appreciate their duty to fantasy, the lyrics are probably more my spirit than Morrissey. Although I am fascinated by Morrissey, I’m not sure that taking on one of his songs would be that creative, a bit like taking on Elvis or Madonna.
4. Your last show in Brooklyn at Studio B (which we attended and adored) got a rave review in the NY Times. Your fan base seems to run the gamut from bloggers to journalists to indie kids to underaged Livejournal girls. Does one particular group's praise affect you more than another? In other words, would you rather see a glowing review in Uncut or your name mentioned amongst a teenager's list of favorite artists on their MySpace page?
Of course, it would be a Myspace page. I have never created to be adored or for a five star review anywhere. It’s encouraging to know the media is supportive of your work, but the most exciting and rewarding moments that have happened to me come from realizing my music has touched or changed peoples lives. To inspire someone is my biggest thrill. The good thing about a good review is that it helps people become aware of your creation and the good thing about a bad review is that it normally makes me laugh.
5. What's on your current playlist?
Nights at The Circus – Bishi
Earth Intruders – Bjork
Symphonie Fantastique – Berlioz
In the Sun – Blondie
6. Touring with The Arcade Fire - exhilarating or nerve-racking?
I had played the same sized venues before with Bloc Party and had played Brixton Academy as a 15 year old at a big transvestite festival with a group I was in called Toilet with Lady Bunny and Stella Stein. So the tour felt like a natural progression. I find when I am supporting, I give myself half an hour to put a usual hour and half of stage energy into. So I tend to end up getting over excited and by the final show, I had torn about three stomach muscles and slapped my legs so hard during my darker songs that my legs were black with bruises. It was great fun, I got to see so many of my favourite places in the U.K and ended up in Dublin with my cousins drinking hard Irish liquor and ending up on a random kiss-a-stranger rampage through its nightlife. It’s nice to do shows and spend nights where you wake up with a smile on your face and a headache in the morning.
7. Have you begun to think about the follow-up to 'The Magic Position'? If so, is it leaning towards the dark side or is it on a similar pop-esque wavelength akin to the bulk of 'TMP'?
I think I am going to be going back to my roots as a boy that writes all his beats on Atari ST computers, sampled the most extreme noises he could find and write with out any manners or needs to impress. I’m going to go back to being a dirty boy again.
8. Thanks for taking the time to chat with us. Any advice to our slutloyals out there in search of a spring fling?
For boys and girls, wear knee length socks, wear hot pants, don’t be scared of red gingham, please avoid miming to Kelly Clarkson when about to take your new sexy home from the disco. Avoid glowsticks at all costs. Try not to drink 12 White Russians before doing a video interview for online magazines. Be ginger and impolite. Prepare to get your heartbroken. Enjoy the spring!
MP3: Patrick Wolf - A Boy Like Me
The Magic Position gets its US release this Tuesday, May 1st. To check out previous '8 Questions With' features (including The Walkmen, Mew, Joan As Police Woman & Ash), click here.
Labels: 8 questions with, patrick wolf
Indie Top 5 Wrap Up, 4/28

1. Arctic Monkeys
2. The White Stripes
3. Feist
4. Bjork
5. Klaxons
1. Charlotte Gainsbourg
2. The National
3. Feist
4. Sir Salvatore
5. Arctic Monkeys
1. Feist
2. Nine Inch Nails
3. The National
4. Blonde Redhead
5. The Field
1. Charlotte Gainsbourg
2. Kings Of Leon
3. Dntel
4. The Eames Era
5. Battles
MP3s: Feist - My Moon, My Man + Klaxons - Golden Skans
Labels: indie top 5 wrap up
Pela Cooking Paella

In the latest web episode of DWTB, Pela is the special guest and they do a fine job performing two tracks from their debut LP as well as preparing a lovely paella & ceviche!
Very informative.
Check out the entire installment here.
MP3: Pela - Lost To The Lonesome
Labels: dinner with the band, pela
Rosie Thomas: Cherished By Sufjan, Loathed By Critics

We happen to think it's a beautiful (and multi-dimensional) album; our review of it can be found here. To see what everybody else is saying about the LP, hop skip and jump over to MetaCritic's Rosie Thomas page.
In unrelated Rosie news, while we were busy seeing Placebo at the much-dreaded Roseland Ballroom, our good friend Qbertplaya was at Rosie's Southpaw gig, of which Sufjan himself made an appearance. We're insanely jealous. Check out her review of that show, including some amazing pics and video HERE!
Labels: metacritic, rosie thomas
Shortlist Finalists Announced

Band Of Horses – Everything All the Time
Beirut – Gulag Orskestar
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - The Letting Go
Cat Power – The Greatest
Girl Talk - Night Ripper
Hot Chip - The Warning
Joanna Newsom - Ys
Regina Spektor - Begin to Hope
Spank Rock - YoYoYoYoYo
Tom Waits - Orphans
Who will take home the top honors this year? We'll find out next month when the winner is chosen.
More on the initial longlist HERE!
MP3: Cat Power - The Greatest
Labels: shortlist
Nellie McKay In YouTube 'Musical Love Story'
I, personally, can't wait to see her new full-length film with Mandy Moore. Laugh if you want but it's gotta be better than what's above!
MP3: Nellie McKay - Real Life
Labels: nellie mckay, video, youtube
Beth Ditto Becomes An Advice Columnist

*I was reading an article recently that suggested I was really wild and crazy and described me as "the woman who puts Courtney Love to shame". I just thought: "What?!" It was really funny to me, because I actually have the opposite of a rock-star lifestyle. I mean, I have to play shows and what not, but outside of that I'm a grandma. I do things like bake cakes and worry about whether I have time to pot my flowers before it gets too cold. I live with two of my best friends in Portland, Oregon, and I'll say to them, "What do y'all wanna do tonight? You want me to make devilled eggs?" And they'll nod, "Yeah, that sounds gooooood."*
Read her first entry in its entirety here.
MP3: The Gossip - Eyes Open
Labels: beth ditto, the gossip, the guardian
The World Of B-Sides & Rarities, #22

It seems only fitting that Owen Pallett of Final Fantasy would cover The Arcade Fire's unrelenting track, 'No Cars Go'. The tune was originally introduced on the band's EP (pre-Funeral) and later reworked for their sophomore LP, Neon Bible.
For those unfamiliar, Owen arranged the strings for both Funeral and Neon Bible (and even performs on the former release). 'No Cars Go' has always been a favorite of Owen's and he performs the track at his live shows from time to time (although sadly, The Music Slut has never been witness to the magic).
Take a listen to the (shockingly high quality) live cover of 'No Cars Go' below.
MP3: Final Fantasy - No Cars Go
New Spoon Album Cover: Love It Or Hate It?

Old school Spoon MP3: 'Paper Tiger' (via Prod4Ever)
Labels: love it or hate it, spoon
Is Patrick Wolf Losing His Mind?

"I never said I was quitting music, and second of all, I never did it in a public way... For me to say I was going to quit music is like saying I'm going to commit suicide... It's the most extreme thing that could happen in my life. That would make me miserable, so I would never say I was quitting music, because I would never know where to start. I've got so many projects... I've got this double record...It might be called 'Hard Times' and I might be working with Alec Empire and Atari Teenage Riot."
However, he did clarify that there will be a lot less touring and interviews in the near future.
MP3: Patrick Wolf - Peter Pan
Labels: bitchfork, patrick wolf
A Decemberist Covers Radiohead

At Ease reports: "On May 15, Decemberist guitarist Chris Funk will release 'Plastic Bag' by the Flash Hawk Parlor Ensemble. The album will feature a number of covers including Radiohead's 'Morning Bell'... the Amnesiac version."
Other covers on the LP include tunes from Massive Attack, The Pretenders and Fleetwood Mac. For even more info on the release, and purchase details check here.
Lastly, to hear four tracks from the LP, head over to FHPE's brand spankin' new MySpace page.
Labels: covers, radiohead, the decemberists
Our Slutty Weekend Picks: It's Up To You, New York

-*The Battering Room presents Knockout: The Mugs, Mussels, Sure Juror & Beat Radio - guest DJs: Pop Tarts Suck Toasted + THE MUSIC SLUTS!*
-Nellie McKay @ Carnegie Hall
-Lightning Bolt @ Pratt
-Awesome Color & Deerhunter @ Silent Barn
-Georgie James & The Flesh @ Annex
-Minnie Driver @ Living Room
-Professor Murder @ Canal Room
-Apes & Androids @ Studio B
-Boyskout @ Silent Barn
-Jimmy Gnecco @ Living Room
-Peter And The Wolf @ Mercury
-Modest Mouse & Man Man @ United Palace
-Yo La Tengo @ Webster Hall
MP3s: Georgie James - Need Your Needs + Modest Mouse - Float On (live) (via Net Zoo)
Labels: weekend picks
Killing The Joy?

It's The Killers' take on Joy Division fave 'Shadowplay'.
Take a listen to the tune below and tell us what you think.
I'm still undecided on this one.
MP3: The Killers - Shadowplay
Labels: covers, joy division, the killers
Clap Your Hands Give The Midwest The Finger

"Hey everyone
Thanks so much to everyone who has come out to see us so far on this tour! You've all been really great, we really appreciate all of your love and support.
Unfortunatly, we're very sorry to announce that we have to postpone the shows in Missouri and Indiana (April 30th, May 1st, May 2nd, and May 3rd). We are hoping to reschedule these dates for the fall. (we'll probably have an announcment for the fall dates really soon....)
Anybody have any insight into why they are skipping these gigs? We'd love to know the truth behind the postponements.
MP3: Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Yankee Go Home
Labels: clap your hands say yeah
This is a Tour and They are on It

Lisps singer and guitarist César has left a tour update on his blog and it is simply adorable. Here's a little taste of their car musings on the road to Wintston:
Dear Little Debbie snacks,
You were only twentyfive cents.
Your chemical cotton fiber cream-filled sweet treats were on
The shelves too long, perhaps.
Were you waiting for us last night?
As you were in our lunch boxes nearly 20 years ago?
Twenty years ago and I can still remember what I ate for lunch.
How I ate you first, and then cleaned my teeth with carrot sticks.
You nourished us last night, and we thank you.
The Lisps
remaining dates:
Tuesday 5/1/07 @ The Make Out Room - San Francisco, CA
Wednesday 5/2/07 @ Record Club - Sacramento, CA
Thursday 5/3/07 @ Silverlake Lounge - Los Angeles, CA
Friday 5/4/07 @ Che Cafe - San Diego, CA
Saturday 5/5/07 @ Scene Bar , Los Angeles, CA
Monday 5/7/07 @ Brooks Center Arts, Denver, CO
Tuesday 5/8/07 @ Replay Lounge Lawrence, KS
Wednesday 5/9/07 @ The Way Out Club - St. Louis, MO
Thursday 5/10/07 @ The Darkroom - Chicago, IL
Friday 5/11/07 @ The Dreamland Theatre - Ypsilanti, MI*
Saturday 5/12/07 @ The Parish Hall - Cleveland, Ohio*
* - w/ Double Dutch Will Take You Higher
Monday 5/14/07 Homecoming Bash @ Luna Lounge - Brooklyn, NY
w/ Salt & Samovar + The Shivers + Double Dutch Will Take you Higher
Saturday 6/9/07 - The Music Slut's 2nd Anniversary show @ The Delancey
Labels: the lisps
Post #2000: A Slutty Thank You!

We can hardly believe it.
Thank you for sticking with us all this time - it means more to us than we can ever express via our keyboards.
We adore each and every one of you.
As our own special way of giving thanks, click here for a treat from us to you.
Sloppy kisses,
The Sluts
PS Our 2 year anniversary party details are on their way. I'd put a red flag next to Saturday June 9th, if I were you.
Labels: thanksgiving
New Elliott Smith Cover - Love It Or Hate It?

Labels: elliott smith, love it or hate it
John Cale Covers LCD

Enjoy the track below and tell us which you prefer of the 3: LCD's original, Franz Ferdinand's take or John's cover...
As for us, we're partial towards the original.
Although both covers are brilliant in their own right.
MP3: John Cale - All My Friends
Labels: covers, john cale, lcd soundsystem
Amy Winehouse: Adored By Jay-Z

Word is that he's added some new verses to the original as well as some funky fresh beats. Sadly, there seem to be no plans to officially release the track, although I'm pretty positive that will change within the next few weeks... That, or it'll somehow end up on The Hype Machine for all to enjoy.
Amy tells MTV News that Jay-Z's take on the tune is "really, really good... it is wicked. I'm flattered that the liked the song enough to do something with it."
Check out the original below.
MP3: Amy Winehouse - Rehab
Labels: amy winehouse, collaboration, jay-z
Joy Division Biopic Headed To Cannes

Based on the book 'A Touching Distance', by Curtis' widow, 'Control' trails the final years of the Joy Division singer, who committed suicide in 1980. Corbijn's film debut feature focuses on the singer's rise to fame, as well as his relationships and his struggle with epilepsy.
Leeds newcomer Sam Riley and German actress Alexandra Maria Lara will play the part of his lover Annik Honore. Curtis' widow is played by Oscar-nominated actress Samantha Morton. The Killers have contributed a cover of the 1979 Joy Division track 'Shadowplay' - which they debuted at this year's Shockwaves NME Awards - for the film's soundtrack and New Order have recorded the incidental music for the movie.
Cannes' Directors' Fortnight takes place from May 17-27."
MP3: Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart
Labels: film, joy division
The World Of B-Sides & Rarities, #21

'Opie's Funeral Song' can be found on Asthmatic Kitty's Mews Too compilation, released in February of last year. The song had been floating around for quite some time (in live settings, that is), but it wasn't until '06 that Sufjan completed the tune and made it officially available for us to hear.
The track sounds like it would have fit wonderfully on Seven Swans as it has more of an intimate folk vibe than anything on Michigan or Illinois. Gentle and piercing. Take a listen below and tell us what you think of the rarity.
MP3: Sufjan Stevens - Opie's Funeral Song
The White Stripes To Headline MSG This July

Below is the full list of White Stripes tour dates for their upcoming trek around North America, in support of this summer's Icky Thump.
Check out the cover for the album here (and tell us if you love it or hate it, while you're there).
As always, for virtually all up-to-the-minute White Stripes gossip, head over to our dearly obsessed friend, Miss Modern Age.
As a final White Stripes note (if you haven't already heard), the title cut to Icky Thump is available NOW via iTunes. Grab it while it's hot.
Jun 17 Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival Manchester, TN
Jun 24 Deer Lake Park Burnaby, BC
Jun 25 Yukon Arts Center Whitehorse, YU
Jun 26 Shorty Brown Multiplex Arena Yellowknife, NT
Jun 27 Arctic Winter Games Arena Iqaluit, NU
Jun 29 The Pengrowth Saddledome Calgary, AB
Jun 30 Shaw Conference Center Edmonton, AB
Jul 1 TCU Place Saskatoon, SK
Jul 2 MTS Centre Winnipeg, MB
Jul 3 Thunder Bay Community Auditorium Thunder Bay, ON
Jul 5 Molson Amphitheatre Toronto, ON
Jul 6 Bell Centre Montreal, QC
Jul 7 John Labatt Centre London, ON
Jul 8 Ottawa Bluesfest Ottawa, ON
Jul 10 Moncton Coliseum Arena Moncton, NB
Jul 11 Charlottetown Civic Centre Charlottetown, PE
Jul 13 Cunard Center Halifax, NS
Jul 14 Savoy Theatre Glace Bay, NS
Jul 16 Mile One Center St. John's, NF
Jul 22 Cumberland Civic Center Portland, ME
Jul 23 Agganis Arena Boston, MA
Jul 24 Madison Square Garden New York City, NY
Jul 25 Chevrolet Theater Wallingford, CT
Jul 27 Grand Opera House Wilmington, DE
Jul 28 Patriot Center Fairfax, VA
Jul 29 House of Blues North Myrtle Beach, SC
Jul 30 Sloss Furnaces Birmingham, AL
Jul 31 Snowden Grove Park Amphitheater Southaven, MS
MP3: The White Stripes - The Hardest Button To Button
Labels: madison square garden, the white stripes
Interpol Announces Tracklist, Release Date & Title For LP3

We can finally put all those pesky rumors to bed - the wait is O.V.E.R.
Here's the official scoop.
Title - Our Love To Admire
Release Date - July 10th, 2007
Tracklist - Pioneer To The Falls. No I in Threesome. The Scale. The Heinrich Maneuver. Mammoth. Pace Is The Trick. All Fired Up. Rest My Chemistry. Who Do You Think. Wrecking Ball. The Lighthouse.
Old school Interpol MP3: 'NYC' (via Yaymita)
Labels: interpol
Patrick Wolf, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down

Not that we're complaining but oh, how we'd love to be two places at once... If you're free that night, I recommend getting tix via Ticketweb ASAP.
Here's a look at every other incredible gig going on during the beginning of May. We better see you out and about! There are simply no excuses. Best ten days of music in quite some time.
MP3: Patrick Wolf - Moon River
Labels: bowery ballroom, patrick wolf
The Sluts Are DJing Knockout This Friday!

MP3: Sure Juror - Ex-Cuties
Labels: knockout, the delancey
Franz Covers LCD

Well... we ask you: wanna stop reading about and start listening to it?
See below.
The Music Slut
PS We've included the original for you, as well.
Compare and contrast.
MP3s: Franz Ferdinand - All My Friends (RE-UPPED!) + LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends
Labels: covers, franz ferdinand, lcd soundsystem
The World Of B-Sides & Rarities, #20

Before all the hot fuss spread around Hot Fuss, The Killers recorded a wonderfully subdued version of Morrissey's 'Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself?' for BBC radio. The original track can be found on Moz's 1994 LP, Vauxhall And I, while The Killers take appeared as the B-side to the 'All These Things I've Done' single in November of '04.
As the myth goes, Moz heard The Killers version of the tune and immediately asked the guys to open up for a tour spot in Vegas later that evening.
Tell us what you think after checking out the cover below.
MP3: The Killers - Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself?
Today In WTF: iTunes Accidentally Leaks Bjork's 'Volta'

Bjork's much-hyped new album, Volta, found its way onto the iTunes UK store on Sunday evening for five hours (a full two weeks before its official release). Those lucky enough to be searching during that particular gap of time are now the proud owners of the LP.
No word from Bjork's camp and/or label just yet, but it goes without saying that they are less than pleased with this turn of events...
Old school Bjork MP3: 'I've Seen It All' (feat. Thom Yorke)
Rolling Stone's Top 25 'Best Songs For Reefer Gladness'

If you do, we want to know. We're also curious as to who lights up at the thought of Peter Bjorn & John. That one really threw us as well. Without any further analysis, here's the list.
1. “Shine On You Crazy Diamonds, Pts. 1-5” – Pink Floyd
2. “Pack the Pipe” – The Pharcyde
3. “Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space” – Spiritualized
4. “Purple Haze” – Jimi Hendrix
5. “White Rabbit” – Jefferson Airplane
6. “Slow Ride” – Foghat
7. “Summertime” – Janis Joplin
8. “Feelin’ Alright” – Joe Cocker
9. “ Everything In Its Right Place” – Radiohead
10. “Nuthin’ But a ‘G’ Thang” – Dr. Dre
11. “Moonage Daydream” – David Bowie
12. “No Quarter” – Led Zeppelin
13. “Higher Than The Sun” – Primal Scream
14. “Roses Are Free” – Ween
15. “Spirit In the Sky” – Norman Greenbaum
16. “Young Folks” – Peter Bjorn & John
17. “El Scorcho” – Weezer
18. “It’s Good to Be King” – Tom Petty
19. “Blue Monday” – New Order
20. “1979” – Smashing Pumpkins
21. “Someone Great” – LCD Soundsystem
22. “Float On” – Modest Mouse
23. “ More Than This” – Roxy Music
24. “Candle” – Sonic Youth
25. “Summersong” – Decemberists
Puff away to this...
MP3: Peter Bjorn & John - Young Folks
Labels: marijuana, rolling stone
Pela @ Mercury Lounge: Hometown Waltzes
Labels: concert review, mercury lounge, pela
The Hourly Radio & Shiny Toy Guns Join Forces For Spring Trek

May 24 Little Rock, AR - Juanita's *
May 25 Atlanta, GA - The Loft *
May 29 Ft. Lauderdale, FL - Culture Room +
May 30 Jacksonville, FL - Jack Rabbits +
May 31 Pensacola, FL - American Legion +
Jun 1 Tallahassee, FL - Beta Bar +
Jun 3 Orlando, FL - House of Blues +
Jun 4 Myrtle Beach, SC - House of Blues +
Jun 5 Birmingham, AL - The Nick
Jun 7 Houston, TX - The Mink
Jun 9 St. Louis, MO - Creepy Crawl
Jun 11 Chicago, IL - The Note
Jun 12 TBA
Jun 13 Denver, CO - Hi-Dive
Jun 14 Spearfish, SD - Toomey's Mill
Jun 17 Detroit, MI - Magic Stick +
Jun 19 Montreal, Quebec - TBA +
Jun 21 Toronto, Ontario - Mod Club +
Jun 22 Baltimore, MD - Sonar +
Jun 23 Hartford, CT - Webster Theater +
Jun 25 New York, NY - Highline +
Jun 26 Pittsburgh, PA - Diesel +
Jun 27 Grand Rapids, MI - The Intersection +
MP3: The Hourly Radio - Deaf Ears (via On The Pull Management)
Labels: collaboration, shiny toy guns, stars of track and field, the hourly radio
On Sale Today At Noon, 4/25

5/21 - The Jesus & Mary Chain ($45)
5/22 - The Jesus & Mary Chain ($45)
Bowery Ballroom:
Mercury Lounge:
Don Hill's
6/6 - The Stills ($15)
MP3s: The Stills - Still In Love Song + The Jesus & Mary Chain - Just Like Honey
Labels: on sale dates
Cooper Temple Clause Calls It A Day

"It is with a sad and heavy heart that I must announce that The Cooper Temple Clause have decided to split up.
Last week I informed the rest of the boys that I would be leaving the band. As I hope you will all be able to understand, it was perhaps the most difficult decision I have ever had to make. When the only life you have ever known is that of your five best friends and the music you make, the thought of leaving that life is not one to be considered lightly and I assure you all that the decision was not an easy one to make. Nonetheless, it was something I felt I had to do. I can only apologise from the bottom of my heart for the disappointment this will undoubtedly cause many of you... "
To read the rest, check out CTC's site.
What a shame; I thought Kick Up The Fire, And Let The Flames Brake Loose was a splendid album. Find some CTC MP3s here.
Labels: split, the cooper temple clause
8 Questions With: The Sons & Heirs

The Sons & Heirs have been consistently performing around NYC for the past little while to rave reviews, and I figured it was high time to interview the men behind the Smiths cover act. With Ronnissey on voice, Ravi Marr on guitar, Jonny Rourke on bass and Kevin Joyce on drums (I love it!), I was beyond intrigued to learn more.
1. Tell us how this all began - who's idea was it to form a Smiths cover band and was it easy or was it a struggle to find the rest of the bandmates?
Jonny Rourke: Kevin & I have known each other & played music together for years. We met Ravi through craigslist – Kev & Ravi had both answered an ad from a singer who was looking to play some Smiths tunes. We all got together, and things just clicked between Kevin, Ravi & I. We knew that the ingredients were there to form a tribute to The Smiths & Morrissey, but we needed the right singer. We put up our own ad on craigslist, and Ronnissey was the first person to answer. We knew during the first song (Still Ill) at the first audition when he dropped to floor & writhed around like Morrissey that he was perfect!
2. Have you ever been contacted by anyone in Moz's posse? Is that a goal of yours or does that not really matter?
Kevin Joyce: We haven’t been contacted yet by anyone associated with Morrissey...while that would be an amazing thing and would be an honor if it happened, it’s not really a conscious goal of ours, nor do we anticipate that happening.
3. Do you ever/would you ever base your setlists off of Moz's current sets? Can you tell us your favorite tracks to perform, as well as your all-time favorite Smiths tracks, in general.
JR: That’s not out of the question for the future, but at the moment we’re more focused on playing the music of The Smiths, and therefore their original setlists have been a great reference for us in creating our own. As far as favorite songs to perform, we each have our favorites. For me, it’s a hard choice, but I have to say that it’s a close tie between ‘Accept Yourself,’ ‘Barbarism Begins at Home,’ and ‘Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now.’
Ronnissey: ‘I Want The One I Can't Have,’ ‘Still Ill,’ and ‘I Know It's Over’ are my favorite Smiths songs... probably because they sum up my life completely.
Ravi Marr: ‘William’ has been a great sing-along for the crowd and playing ‘Heaven Knows’ is like worshipping in the temple of Johnny Marr.
4. Your on-stage movements are nearly identical to those of Morrissey (it's almost uncanny), be honest with us - did perfecting your technique include endless hours studying his videos and live performances on YouTube?
Ronnissey: Morrissey was, and still is, such an expressive performer. I knew that if I was going to sing these songs, I would need to perform them properly as well. I've seen so many Morrissey videos over the years, that emulating his moves just seems very natural to me.
JR: It goes beyond just Morrissey for us, too - All of us have spent quite a bit of time studying both the musical & visual aesthetic of The Smiths – between the four of us, we have a pretty impressive library of videos & live recordings that, combined with the wealth of archival clips available on YouTube, have been instrumental in helping us recreate the look, feel, and sound of an actual performance by The Smiths.
The Sons & Heirs - William, It Was Really Nothing
5. Can you tell us a little more about your vocal training, also, is your voice naturally similar to Moz's or is there a certain inflection you have to carry out to make it work?
Ronnissey: I've never had vocal lessons or training. And I've never made any type of conscious effort to sound like Morrissey... what you're hearing is my natural singing voice. For as long as I can remember, my voice has been compared to Morrissey's. And that's actually what got me into The Smiths. People would always be calling out for Smiths songs whenever I played out with my original bands. And at first I was a little bothered by it, because I didn't know who The Smiths were... but once I checked them out, I began to take that as huge compliment.
6. Why the decision to only perform Smiths tracks and not any solo Moz material?
RM: I will admit to influencing our direction in this regard. Beyond loving The Smiths as a band and regretting being slightly too young to ever see them live, I have a very intense musical connection to Johnny Marr. I’ve always seen the Morrissey/Marr catalog of songs as being rarified territory, consistently surprising and brilliant. But ever since I got a hold of a few early period bootlegs and listened in astonishment at how Marr acrobatically played rhythm and lead at once, how he extracted every ounce of energy and melodic content from an arpeggiated chord, I became a devoted fan, student and copy-cat. I’ve been playing like him for so long that I feel this is the role I’ve been training for my whole life. So performing The Smiths material authentically has been my first priority for the sheer joy of it. And that’s not meant to take anything away from the great work of Whyte and Boorer, which I look forward to mining as time goes on.
JR: Ultimately, we’re not opposed to playing solo Moz material, and have even worked on a couple of his solo tunes in rehearsals. However, our primary goal with this project from the beginning has been to recreate as closely as possible something that people can’t see anymore – a performance by The Smiths. Morrissey fans can still go see the man himself perform live, but like Ravi said, many of us never had an opportunity to see The Smiths on stage. Since it’s unlikely that Moz, Johnny, Andy & Mike will ever reunite, we look at this as a void that needs to be filled, and we’re doing our best to accomplish that.
7. Tell us a little bit more about your upcoming show on 6/30 at BB King's following Morrissey's MSG appearance? What can we expect?
KJ: We don’t want to reveal too much and spoil the surprise, but we’ve definitely got some tricks up our sleeves for this show. Details will be revealed as we get closer to the date, but rest assured that this will be the ultimate in after-parties for Smiths/Moz fans.
8. Thanks for taking the time to chat with us! What else is on the horizon for The Sons & Heirs. A full-length LP? A national tour? Tailgating Morrissey around the country on his upcoming visit to the States?
JR: We’ll be hitting the road this summer starting in May for some dates outside of NYC – we’re still in the planning stages of these tours, but keep checking our website for details. No plans to follow Moz’s tour as such, but if at all possible we hope to arrange our schedule to coincide with Morrissey’s stops on the east coast.
While recording these songs is a great exercise for us in perfecting the arrangements, we don’t intend to release them in LP form. Beyond the obvious legal barriers to doing that, the reality is that this is a live project. That being said, we’d be happy to contribute tracks to Smiths/Moz related compilations if ever that option presented itself...
MP3: The Sons & Heirs - These Things Take Time
For more info on the band and to hear more tracks, check out The Sons & Heirs MySpace page here!
Labels: 8 questions with, the sons and heirs
Art Brut & O'death @ Studio B 4/18: I Haven't Slept in About 4 Days
As unfortunate as all those factors are, Art Brut and O'death are really consumate professionals at this point in their careers. They know that the audience has come to see them act crazy and even if they cannot feed off of a frenzied audience, they still put in an effort to entertain.
This was my...4th? time with Art Brut. I chose this show over Ratatat at Webster Hall. Call me crazy, but the thought of not seeing Eddie Argos as he blew through town was too much to handle. An Art Brut show makes me intolerably happy.
The band previewed some new tracks, which I am sure I will come to love. Eddie cracked a joke about one saying that we had never heard it since it had not been purposely leaked.
As always at Studio B, crazed fans feel it is necessary to jump onstage. Here comes the inexperienced concert goers part. There was one failed attempted by a boy to get up next to Eddie. He only succeeded in nearly breaking my hand that was lying on the speaker as his boot smashed ontop of it. It is still killing me. I turned around, fists blaring but realised he was 15 and I better not.
To those wondering if I stayed for Soulwax. I did not. That would have involved another line and ten bucks I didn't have after Studio B kicked us all out after Art Brut.
Labels: art brut, concert review, o'death, studio b