The Music Slut


FAQs (Or All You Never Needed To Know About The Music Sluts)

Our Story

Once upon a time, a brown-haired, hazel-eyed girl named Jen moved to Scotland in pursuit of something greater than her small life on Long Island. Instead she found Jamie, a Ph.D. classicist with sparkling blue eyes and a penchant for S Club 7. As their friendship grew, so did their foray into music geekery/snobbery.

Then one drunken summer's eve, Jamie came up with an idea. They should bring their obsession to the world. They should start, A MUSIC BLOG and it shall be called, THE MUSIC SLUT. As the pair stumbled to the local pub with their friends they discussed all that the site would be and all the music that they would inflict on the world. The pub was a local place. The kind of place where fights were not uncommon and the un-Scot was most unwelcome. The group that night consisted of two girls and five guys. Local over-the-top, middle-aged, drunk mother, Shazzy saw the odds in her favour. With the command of 'Come on now, toots!' the boys were one at a time dragged onto the dance-floor and The Music Slut's slogan was born.

Later in the summer, long term German courses and extended holidays meant that The Music Slut would die for a month. So Jen's concert-hopping-in-NYC friend Matt was called in to take over and in the end, completed the package with perfection.

Just The Three Of Us

Jen (JK) likes long walks on the beach, Queen, lemon sherbet, pints of ale, Living In Abstract, traveling to exotic places, painting, taking pictures, writing, and dancing her ass off at concerts. She is a vegetarian, anti-capitalist who is clinically obsessed with Robbie Williams.

Matt (m) has been wearing horn-rimmed glasses before emo was on the musical map, has an unhealthy obsession with lip balm, never turns down a free anything, won the spelling bee in second grade, and wishes he had an unlimited MetroCard for life.

Jamie (Skye) is the worst kind of music snob. He's always right.

Your Questions Answered

Do you accept music submissions?

We are always looking for new music to become obsessed with, so yes. We just ask that you not pester us or beg us to post about it. We have lives to lead, jobs to do and sometimes, your stuff may just not be our thing.

In an effort to save bands money, and hopefully save some trees along the way, our preferred method of submission is digital.

Will you come to a show?

If we can, sure. We are based in New York City and outside of Edinburgh, Scotland but may be willing to travel further afield. We have only one condition: if you send us an e-mail asking if we want tickets to a show please, for the love of god, mean it. We make concert review schedules months ahead of time and don't really have the patience or time to negotiate our way onto your list. Sorry. And please remember that there are two of us in NYC.

Are you for hire?

Depends on what you had in mind. If your mind includes the words "freelance," "DJ" or "kick-ass event", then "yes".

Event Sponsorship:
In addition to writing about music at an obsessive daily rate, The Music Slut is an event production and marketing agency. We produce memorable events that our readers dare not miss with cutting-edge entertainment that speaks clearly to the coveted young, trend-setting demographic. Our production capabilities, promotional services (via our own website, mailing lists) and strong relationships with other media outlets result in remarkably buzz-worthy and effective promotional brand campaigns.

How can we contact you?

We check e-mail obsessively. If you are in need of further information, like a postal address, please e-mail us first.

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