The Music Slut


Death Cab For Cutie Readies LP1 Reissue

The official statement is as follows: *Barsuk Records is pleased to announce that we will be reissuing Death Cab For Cutie's classic 1998 debut album, Something About Airplanes, on November 25th. This limited deluxe 10 year anniversary CD edition will include a bonus disc featuring a recently unearthed recording of the band's first ever Seattle show. The reissue will also feature beautifully redesigned artwork, including extensive liner notes by noted musician and writer Sean Nelson (whose band Harvey Danger was the headliner of the bonus disc show, and who sings lead vocals on DCFC's never before heard cover of The Smiths' "Sweet & Tender Hooligan").* Visit DCFC on MySpace.

MP3: DCFC - A Movie Script Ending

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