The Music Slut


Editors Respond To Interpol Comparisons

It doesn't sound like Editors frontman, Tom Smith, is a happy camper. Check out the following quotes, via Culture Deluxe regarding the band's much-discussed similarities with Interpol: "If you're a music journalist saying that then you're deaf and need a new job."

"When people dismiss us as a second-rate whoever it pisses you off. Vocally there is a similarity with Interpol and that's fine but our first album 'The Back Room' doesn't sound anything like them. What amazes me is we still get that on this record, 'An End Has A Start', which sounds nothing like Interpol or Joy Division."

No disrespect to Tom, as I understand his frustration and have much love for Editors, but to say that the band sounds 'nothing like Interpol or Joy Division' is really quite absurd.

(photo via SF Station)

MP3: Editors - All Sparks

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