The Music Slut


Deerhoof Hearts Radiohead

Seems like their latest opus, Friend Opportunity was heavily influenced by being on the road with Radiohead last year. Here's what drummer Greg Saunier told NME: "If you can imagine coming home from a Radiohead concert and 20,000 people are all in tears and everyone loves turn on your rough mix and it sounds garbage in comparison.

"It sounds like nothing in every way; the sound is not as good, the emotion seems so dim and the overall power of it doesn't connect. That feeling, while depressing at first was such a great help in a way, to be devastated by music again...that's how we felt." Saunier discussed the approach his band took to their music after touring with Thom Yorke and co.

He stated: "It's not that we ever wanted to imitate Radiohead's music, but we did want to do something that sounded good AFTER Radiohead. In other words Radiohead put out 'Amnesiac' - what's somebody going to do, not to top it but to respond it as if in a musical conversation? We treated it like a question, a call to which we wanted to respond in the music world."

*Read our reviews/photos from Deerhoof's show at McCarren Pool HERE & HERE!

MP3: Deerhoof - +81

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