Night 2 was just as extraordinary as
Night 1 (if not more so). Photos, setlist & MP3 below.

Setlist) Svefn G Englar. Glosoli. Ny Batteri. Fljotavik. Vid Spilum Endalaust. Hoppipolla. Med Blodnasir. Svo Hljott. Heysatan. Vidrar Vel Til Loftarasa. Inni Mer Syngur Vitleysingur. Saeglopur. Hafsol. Gobbledigook. (
Encore) Illgresi. Popplagid.
MP3: Sigur Ros - E BowLabels: concert review, sigur ros, united palace theater
Do you have the set list for the 17th show? Was a great show -- messed up the lyrics for Heysatan (didn't think anyone noticed) and laughed afterwards when we all clapped like made anyway. Great to see them again.
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