The Music Slut


Morningwood Gives Update On LP2

The band offered these words earlier today: *We've been writing the follow up to our self titled record for some time, we wrote about 2 and a half records worth of songs, when we finally had enough that we deemed worthy of a sophomore effort. Right as we were getting ready to go into record there was a major merger between Capitol Records and Virgin Records, and pretty much everyone at Capitol was fired and most of the bands were dropped. To our delight, the powers that be wanted us to stay, but as the major labels have been struggling to stay alive they needed all bands to sign new record deals, ones which were only vaguely reminiscent of the original, and so for the past 6 months we have been trying to work it out. Believe me, it has been a major case of blue balls not being able to put these songs that we are so in love with out for you to hear. WELL, FINALLY we have come to an agreement! YAY! So we don't lose ANYMORE time we are going into the studio next week, and so we can get you music as fast as possible we are going to release an EP in the next few months before the full record is finished, so you can have your first taste!*

Visit Morningwood on MySpace.

MP3: Morningwood - Nth Degree



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