The Music Slut


Best Fwends Gear Stolen - Why Do People Keep Doing This?

This is some shitty ass news. Anthony told me about this a few weeks ago, but below is the whole nightmare of a story. Tis the season for gift giving and giving back. Best Fwends are such an awesome band and two sweet guys, let's help em out by buying some of their t-shirts and cds to give away as holiday gifts. You can purchase both directly from their MySpace or their cd and eps from Moshi Moshi.

(picture courtesy of Sup Mag - go there and read an interview with them from a couple of years ago)

SO dustin and i were coming back from touring Iceland and England. and our flight was so late that we were stranded overnight at BWI airport in [shitty, scum-filled] Baltimore. after talking to various airport employees, we learned that on occasion the Maryland Aviation Administration sometimes allows civilians to sleep upstairs on this observation deck. so we acquired the "proper" authorization from Mr. Craig Jackson of Landside Operations and he allowed us up there. then all these janitors were watching us and asking us questions. dustin unfurled our banner for them and i checked my email and read my mom's obituary for the first time. at 10pm we fell asleep.

WHEN i woke up at 4am, my bag was gone. my bag, containing our laptop, passport, wallet, ALL the cash i had in the world (which was a lot since we actually made money for the first time EVER on this tour) and all sorts of souvenirs, Icelandic Kronur, bus tickets and stuff. basically this bag was the entire "stuff I can't afford to lose" collection, since i was told not to trust luggage handlers. (Note: don't trust anyone else either. in fact, if you can't lock something down just throw it away.)

SUPPOSEDLY the police officer who took my report didn't even file it until 2 days later. his name was Edgar Caraballo P.O.1166 and he basically stuffed a Grand Larceny report into his trousers, hung up his hat and went home because it happened at the end of his shift... but not before 1.demanding identification from me after I told him that my wallet and passport were stolen and 2.accusing me and dustin of being in an unauthorized "secure" area (well done on that). i hoped he could have had some people look in some dumpsters and trash cans maybe... i would have done it myself but the airport is a fucking maze of security zones that only authorized personnel are allowed through. (i.e., janitors and cops.)

TERRORISTS: according to the cops at the Baltimore/Washington International Airport, the cameras aren't even working. imagine all the shit you could get away with when they wouldn't even know who did it! security level orange! security level red! we are going to bounce back harder than ever... no more iPod? i guess so! why not play real instruments for once!

<3/hate, anthony



Blogger xDashofPanachex said...

good stuff. I just ordered their album, can't wait to hear it.

6:15 PM  

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