The Music Slut


Ian Brown Slams Kylie

CM reports: *Ian Brown has had a go at Kylie Minogue and said she "makes music for kids". The Stone Roses frontman made the comments at last night's Q Awards held at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London, where he picked up the gong in the 'Legend' category. Kylie was also in attendance at the event, after being given the 'Idol' award.

"I don't know what Kylie's doing at a music awards to be honest," he told BBC Radio Five Live. Brown added: "I don't think she's cute. I don't think she's good-looking. Her music's rubbish - she makes music for little kids. I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm putting her down, but there's a lot of great minds out there making music and she's not one of them."*

MP3: Kylie Minogue - I Believe In You

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Blogger Crise said...

man, that's harsh. pretty true, but still harsh.

5:29 PM  
Blogger No No No No No said...

Someone takes himself way too seriously.

Hint: It's Ian Brown

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always an efficient way to get people to talk about you: Put someone down who is more in the spotlight than you are. It's just a publicity stunt, people!
(And no, that's no excuse to do anything).

9:13 PM  
Blogger benj. said...

damn, how totally uncalled for. first of all, she's hot as hell no matter who what whatever you are. she is SO hot. second, for a cancer survivor, she looks positively mathematically impossibly hot.

i love a lot of Ian Brown's music, but Squire was the genius behind the Roses, not him. come on, have you ever listened to this guy? he can barely string a sentence together coherently. i love indie rock, British rock and pop, but I also love dance music, and Kylie is a great pop vocalist and personality.

she out-smarts and out-hots Ian Brown by miles. their music is not in the same category and not created for the same purposes. he should put out some decent tracks instead of taking cheap shots.

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ian Brown is merely courting publicity his talent can no longer buy. He showed what a complete tool he is when, having stormed into our consciousness with a brilliant indie album with his muckers (the eponymous 'Stone Roses'), he turned the Stones' offer of a support slot down cos the Roses were going to be bigger. David Gedge from the Wedding Present summed that one up with the "...clueless knobheads" comment.

5:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ian is a Douchebag.

3:36 PM  

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