The Music Slut


Is Lily Allen Getting Her Own TV Show?

The Sun reports: *SINGER Lily Allen is set to get her own BBC show after several top-secret meetings with Beeb chiefs. Last week the gobby 22-year-old had talks with Danny Cohen, head of youth channel BBC3, and execs are now keen to make her one of the major faces of the channel. An insider said: “Danny was impressed with Lily’s mature approach to life.

“He’s checked out her MySpace blog and thinks she’s just the kind of articulate young person the channel needs. It’s early days but he’s very keen.” Among the ideas on the table were a documentary series about weight issues for teens. Lily is outspoken about the pressure that teenagers come under, and recently told how she was left in tears while on tour in America because she felt too fat. A Beeb source said: “Lily’s really passionate about this subject and she’s a very bright girl. We are keen to do something next year after she has finished recording her new album, which should be ready in May.”*

MP3: Lily Allen - Smile



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