The Music Slut


Lady Sov Loses it at Studio B

We just received an email from our friend Igor over at Driven By Boredom directing us to his blog where he tells all the sad sad details of last night's Lady Sov show at Studio B.
"She said she was broke and didn’t want to go on. She was like “I don’t know what I am doing, what song is next?” Then she did another song and just sort of broke down. She said that she had been playing the same songs for two years and that she was sick of it."
The rest is a hell of a little read and just completely shocking. Broke? Are you serious? Can't Jay-Z help a girl out? Sounds like somebody has got to go home, have a cup of tea and eat some beans on toast with mum for a while.

Sorry to those who paid to see her, but at least they got to see two of New York's finest that night, Prof Murder and The Glass, who in my opinion, are much better than the pint sized rapper and worth the cost of admission alone.

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