The Music Slut


BBC's 'Top 10 Worst Lyrics Of All Time'

Oof, there've been some bad ones over the years. Here's some highlights:

Razorlight - Somewhere Else: And I met a girl, she asked me my name, I told her what it was.

Snap - Rhythm Is A Dancer: I'm as serious as cancer, when I say Rhythm is a Dancer.

Oasis - Champagne Supernova: Slowly walking down the hall, faster than a cannonball, where were you when we were getting high?

View the rest of the list here.

What are some of your favorite/least favorite awful lyrics? Share in the comments.

MP3: Razorlight - Somewhere Else

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Razorlight is false sense of accomplishment wrapped in idiocy, paraded in front of our eyes. I am still waiting for someone to jump from behind the bushes and tell me this is all part of a hidden camera show. The most worthless shower of wankers ever to materialize in the UK and that´s saying something.

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite worst song lyric ever is from INXS's "Never Tear Us Apart."

I was standing
You were there

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as much as i love interpol's "obstacle 1," the line, "her stories are boring and stuff" has always bothered me...

10:01 AM  
Blogger theyallwantcake said...

i LOVE bjork as you guys prob know but I hate the line in pagan poetry

"i love him, i love him (she loves him, she loves him)"


10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually listening to vespertine right now. i really hope she plays "pagan poetry" tomorrow!

11:20 AM  
Blogger greg said...

the opening lyrics of "always" by erasure makes me laugh

"open your eyes,
i see,
your eyes are open"

12:23 PM  
Blogger John Larsen said...

The worst lyrics are from The Cars, "Let's Go":

"She's laughing inside 'cause they can't refuse
She's so beautiful now, she doesn't wear her shoes"

Shoes? What? That, by far, is the most forced rhyme I've ever heard.

12:27 PM  
Blogger m said...

the interpol lyric has always bugged me too but i'd also like to add:

If you stay too long inside my memory
I will trap you in a song tied to a melody
And I'll keep you there so you can't bother me

such a lame threat, conor. (from bright eyes - take it easy)

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

:D I have always HATED that line from War Pigs. "Generals gathered in their masses/Just like witches at black masses". When I hear that line I cringe - and feel like punching someone in the face: it's the worst instance of using homonyms as rhymes in music history.

7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl of sixteen,
fell in love with everything,
found new life in Jesus Christ,
Hit by car,
Ended up,
On a life support machine.

Depeche Mode, Blasphemous Rumours


7:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "War Pigs" thing is because they were forced by Warner Bros. to change the lyrics. The original second line was "Bodies burning in red ashes."

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucky that my breasts are small and humble,
So you don't confuse them with mountains

-whenever, wherever by Shakira

ok, so I know she doesn't speak English as a first language, but come on!

11:04 PM  

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