The Music Slut


Sigur Ros Brings 'Ba Ba' Back... To Miami!

I recall having to miss the premiere performance back in '03.

I was heartbroken, as you would guess. I'm seriously considering a trip down to Miami to witness this.

Doesn't JetBlue fly there? Isn't it relatively inexpensive? Hmm....

Billboard reports:

Icelandic rock act Sigur Ros will reprise its score for the 2003 Merce Cunningham dance piece "Split Sides" during a Feb. 25, 2007, concert at Ziff Ballet Opera House in Miami. The group will perform its 20-minute piece "Ba Ba Ti Ki Di Do," while Radiohead's 20-minute contribution will be played on tape.

"Split Sides" was premiered live by both bands Oct. 14, 2003, at Brooklyn's Academy of Music. Sigur Ros later recorded and commercially released its contribution, which features music boxes, glockenspiel, ballet shoes used as percussion and samples of Cunningham's voice and his tap shoes.

Takk-fave: 'Heysatan'



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be really jealous if you got to Miami to see this. I was also devastated at missing the premiere, but was sure the ballets would be done somewhere else. Well, a lot of time has there news of any performances besides Miami?

12:53 PM  
Blogger m said...

just miami at this point, tickets range from $15-$65

as of 2 hours ago, you can get 2nd row tickets in the orchestra pit for $70 each after surcharge!

1:25 PM  

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