The Music Slut


The Music Slut Live from T in the Park Day Two!

9:39AM Text message received waking me up on a Sunday morning "Sunday: The campsite is woken to the sounds of Guns and Roses 'Paradise City', as the crowd prepare to sacrifice themselves to the altar of rock." Sounds a bit Big Brotherish to me.

11:50AM I text Skye to tell him that my mate Sea saw Razorlight open for Muse and they were very underwhelming. I wanted him to see Sons and Daughters perform their new material anyway.

11:58AM "Well I think since I've never seen them [Razorlight], I may'll give me something to complain about." Skye=most stubborn person I know. Must remember to implement reverse psychology on him in the future.

12:00PM "Utterly baking at the main stage for Rachel Fuller, who has mistakenly said hello to Edinburgh. Pretty good piano led rock, deserves more of an audience than the few folk who're here this afternoon."

12:03PM "Wow! Pete Townsend is playing guitar in Rachel Fuller's band! This is actually quite exciting stuff!" WTF?

1:16PM "Biffy Clyro- excellent. Surely Sunday mornings were made for jumping around like a madman while a long haired crazy man mistreated a guitar."

2:12PM "A pretty emotive performance from Athlete, who come across as more affecting than whiney that they often do on record." After watching them on TV I got to say that the song 'You Got Style' all but ruined any hope that I could like this band. The lyrics are so ridiculous and I fucking HATE the chorus with the cheerleader chant 'It's getting hot in here, must be something in the atmosphere' One part Nelly, one part Bring it On and all of it utter SHITE. The song 'Wires' was pretty good though.

3:43PM "Razorlight played with the right amount of arrogance and swagger-if they had the songs. A bit weak to be honest, which was kind of emphasised by the playing 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' after their set." Yeah I figured but I can't help but love 'Goldentouch.'

12:25AM Mind I am snuggled in bed by this point. "Now I'm no huge hip hop fan, but Snoop Dog even had me excited... mothafucka [sic]. Although he also though he was in Edinburgh, probably thinks all Scottish cities are made up of tents in fields... Kaiser Chiefs were a definite highlight-splitting the audience in half to see who could clap and sing louder. Bloc Party have some great tunes, so it's a bit disappointing to find that they're a bit too earnest to be very exciting. Oh well. Kasabian were pretty good-well judged with the fast numbers for a pretty pissed up crowd. Green Day. A drunk giant pink rabbit. A Scotland flag being waved onstage, Billy-Jo masturbates while the crowd ooos and aaahs, fires water guns into the crowd, gets a child onto the stage to fire the water gun, gets three randoms from the crowd to play instruments, then plays 'Shout' and ends the encore with 'We Are the Champions.' Political and funky, Green Day were awesome." Side note about Green Day. They wouldn't allow the BBC to film their set and show live footage on TV because they are releasing a DVD soon and are afraid people won't buy it. This news from the presenters which elicited a response of 'phew, Americans!' Somehow I find this ironic given their last album title, American Idiot indeed

Not covered in Skye's excellent reporting was the appearance of the rockin Eagles of Death Metal (whose mp3s I am searching for right now), the always amazing Interpol, KT Tunstall throwing some sort of fit in the beginning of 'Black Horse and the Cherry Tree' and literally screaming at the people off stage to fix something putting her in an obviously foul mood for the rest of the song but the fact that her and the entire band were wearing kilts nearly made up for it (holy run-on Batman), Echo and the Bunnymen being surprisingly good singing 'The Killing Moon' and last but not least, my boys Travis with Franny wearing a vintage Live Aid tee and not being able to reach the notes in 'Turn' because he was too out of breath from running around the stage then after 'Why Does it Always Rain on Me' jumping into the crowd and having the security guards hold onto him for dear life.

And so ends The Music Slut's coverage of T in the Park 2005. If you had the privilege of going I hope your sunburn will fade fast and if not just remember that there is always next year. Not for me though. Why? Well it's like the old saying goes, does Jen shit in the woods? The answer is absolutely not.

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Blogger skye said...

No-one shits in the woods at T in the Park. That would be far too civilised - at T they just do it anywhere, from on a fence to the side of the beer tent...

10:43 AM  

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